Physical Computing Project Management

As a group, we will manage our project by having group meetings in order to track our weekly progress. Also we created a group on Facebook where each of us updated once a task was completed.

Our Facebook group really helped and everyone could ask questions at any time and the project will manage easily because we are all updated at any time. The below screen dumps show the evidence of how we managed the project as a group successfully through Facebook.

Physical Computing Project Management

Start Date

Task Duration End data


23/11/2015 Thinking of what we want to build 2 hours 03/12/2015 Everyone in our group thinking of what they want to build for project
30/11/2015 Formatting group 1 hour 01/12/2015 Organising a group members.
30/11/2015 Deciding idea 1 hour 03/12/2015 Everyone in our group came up different idea
30/11/2015 Choose one idea 2 hour 03/12/2015 Finally, we chose one idea as a group that we all agree and we discuss about it with lecturer.
01/12/2015 Create Facebook group 15 minutes 01/12/2015 One of the group member created Facebook group for Physical Computing Project
03/12/2015 Finalize everything 2 hour 08/12/2015 Group members putted everything together.
08/12/2015 Final proposal 2 hour 08/12/2015 One of the group member submitted the final project proposal.
05/12/2015 Came up blog name 1 hour 05/12/2015 Group member came up the blog name.
06/12/2015 Create blog 30 minutes 06/12/2015 One of the group member created WordPress blog for our project.
09/12/2015 Formatting group again  2 hour 10/12/2015 Extra group member joined for group project.
01/12/2015 Group discuss update on Facebook 1 hour 23/12/2015 Each one of us ask questions and answers about the project
14/12/2015 Preparing the Arduino material 30 minutes 09/12/2015 Each one of us ordered the relevant parts that we need for our group project.

Physical Computing Project Management 2

Start Date Task Duration End data Description
18/01/2016 Still we thinking of what we want to build since our first idea was rejected. 2 hour 25/01/2016 Everyone in our group thinking of what they want to build for project.
22/01/2016 We edited our site and rebrand our business idea for new name. 1 hour 24/01/2016 We tried to change the address to mypod but the name already exists.
30/11/2015 As group we communicated on Facebook in order to finish our weekly task. 2 hour 26/01/2016 Each one of us uploaded their task so we can all see what we done individual.
25/01/2016 Staring our group final project report. 1 hour 21/02/2016 We started writing our final project report and we still working on.
26/01/2016 Submitted for project proposal report. 1 hour 26/01/2016 Since our first idea was rejected we came up with another idea so we submitted for our final project proposal today.
29/01/2016 Starting building the first part of the project 2 hour in the lab 12/02/2016 Today, we connected the Arduino things that we bought it on eBay and installed the library that we need to use for the project.
01/02/2016 URL submission 5min 01/02/2016 I submitted our group URL on
05/02/2016 Continuous working the first part of the project  2 hour in the lab 12/02/2016 We still working on the first part of the project which is enrol, fingerprint and lcd display
08/02/2016 Market and research 1 hour 08/02/2016 We uploaded our market and research for our product.
12/02/2016 Discuss what to do by group meeting in lab 2 hour 15/02/2016 To discuss what we done so far and what is left to do.
15/02/2016 Having another group meeting at student union 2 hour 17/02/2016 Each one of us have task to do.
19/02/2016 Still working on the project 2 hour 21/02/2016 Continuous working our project by working as group.



Finalize everything

design a suitable housing AND/OR an on-screen display

2 hour 25/02/2016 Group members will put everything together and submit on


I have done this and it come up nice,it display LCD, fingerprint in the box at the same time

26/02/2016 Present our project as group 1 hour 26/02/2016 Finally, we will present to other members our project as group.

Physical Computing Project Management

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